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August 19, 2005


My sisters friends are down this weekend, which again is providing an interesting insight into the minds of women. “Can I get a blokes perspective on my problem, you see my other half is addicted to watching sport…..”. Before she was even half way through the question I knew the answer. It won’t change. You are fighting a losing battle. I’ll watch the sports news channel for more than four hours a day. Two hours of those hours are repeats. Two of those hours are stories I already knew about. I read about them on the sports website an hour before. I’ll bet on football. I’ll drive four hours to watch a forth division team lose on a cold and rainy day.

“and I don’t know whether to try and get into it or leave him to it”. As she looked over, I thought about the comforting answer and the honest answer. “He won’t change, that’s the way it is, go and watch ‘Perfect Catch’, it’s a decent film and it will go so way to explaining the problem". Perfect catch is an American remake of the original Nick Hornby novel, turned film, ‘Fever Pitch’, focusing on a man’s addiction for sport, not his partner.

The conversation drifted away from the partner problems. I wasn't going to give any comfort, I was after all, was one of those sports addicts. Thirty degree all year sunshine, amazing beaches, a laid back life style, space, all the things people would die for, I could even live in Australia if I wanted to due to dual nationality, it’s just the football would kick off at 3am. And yes, I did get up at 3am.

“I just don’t get it, football is just boring, I don’t know why he gets so worked up about it”. Before I could explain the delights of supporting your local, crappy team, afternoons in the pub watching the scores rolling in, waiting for the eight bet to come in to give you that hundred and twenty pounds (only to lose it in the last minute), the football chit chat, the funny and witty football chants, the banter between the fans, they stopped me.

They started talking about facials, which shops had the best clothes, which makeup was the best and which magazine, in their detailed opinion, had gone down hill (Yes, it was Cosmopolitan, I tried to looked shocked). Then I thought what they were asking, I just don’t get it, it’s just boring, give me the latest transfer news any day.


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