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October 24, 2004

Emails from Nigeria

I received an email from From Dr Uchenna today. It was one of those emails that made me feel really good, he said he was looking for “an honest and trustworthy Foreigner who will assist in ensuring the successful transfer of the above sum into a personal/company account”. Even though I do not know this man personally I’m amazed that my reputation is so good that it has filtered all the way to Nigeria. It’s amazing how your fortune can turn by receiving just one email. Apparently I am due 30% of any money that is transferred into my account. How good is that? I just need to send off my bank Name, contact address and my account number where the money will be remitted. How easy is that?

Of course not.

What is it with junk mail? Ok we get junk mail through our letterboxes but we can choose not to open that. I mean if I get a white envelope with a free pen sticking out of it, I know it’s probably from some life insurance company and not from my pen pal. If I get a letter with ‘to the occupier’ on the front I know it’s probably from some credit card company. I mean if they can’t be bothered to find out my name, I can’t be bothered to lift it from my door mat.

So if I don’t get worked up about junk mail coming through my door, why do I get worked up about junk mail being delivered to me via Mr Hotmail? I mean all I have to do is delete it right?

Well to start with when I turn on my pc and my messenger tells me I have 4 new messages. Great! Who could they be from? Could it be the lottery telling me I have won the jackpot? Could it be from the agency telling me I have got that interview? Maybe it’s from that nice girl who I met in London who has finally come to her senses and emailed me? No. It’s from Dr Ukena whatever his face his called.

After getting over the disappointment of realising I am not a millionaire with a new job and in the process of arranging a date, I then start to wonder how this person or machine thing actually chose my email along with a million others to send this email. Was it some form I filled in? Is it because I’ve got a hotmail address? And now they have got my hotmail address does that mean they will continue to plague me with emails?

But the thing that really gets me is that people ACTUALLY fall for email cons like this. The U.S security department receives twenty calls from people a week saying that have fallen for such hoaxes. Yes people have actually handed money over to the likes of Dr Uchenna and his buddies.

Must go. 1 new message. I think it’s Svetlana from Russia. Hopefully she will have liked the money I sent her for her hip operation. Bless her.


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