My life enhanced, thanks Internet!
Whilst trying to find some flights today, I realised just how much the internet has both enhanced my life,and more significantly, just made things easier.
To demonstrate, I will share with you some of my most useful websites, but remember, it was me that told you about them first!
Airline meals
This has been a lifesaver. A lot of people book their flights depending on silly little fussy things, like “Will it cost half as much if I go with another airline” or “Will it fly from an airport near me” or even the ridiculous like “Will the plane actually get there” (no offence Areoflot, I’m sure your planes are safe now). I mean, what is it with some people? Next they will be wanting to know what time their flight arrives!
Now, maybe I’m different. But I’m really not fussed about those sort of things. No, for me its all about the onboard meal. It’s a deal breaker. Give me an airline which costs £520 more than normal, I don’t really care. Its all about the type of chicken they serve and texture of the ‘juicy bits’ in orange juice.
This is why before I do anything, I check out airline It should be the first port of call for everyone in my opinion. I bet you are all thinking “Come on Coops, show me an example of this fantastic venture, after all, you cant book your flights until I have told you! Your right!
Well here is just a snippet. But remember, don’t tell all your friends, they might take all the flights with good meals on it!!!!

Photo taken by: Steve Tompkins
Route: KUL/DPS, 25 Oct 2004
Ticket price: rm605
Flight duration: 3hours
Aircraft type & class: b737-400 economy
Business or leisure trip: leisure
Meal type: light meal
Contents of meal: wholemeal roll, salmon salad, choice of steak or stir
Fried chicken with fried rice and some kind of jelly dessert.
Drink:mineral water, white wine and coffee
Comments: no menu card given and fa didn't even know the names of the main Meal, when asked all she knew that it was chicken or beef! I decided on the Chicken but was given the steak. So i took a photo of it before returning it To the fa for chicken.the meal was edible but the dessert some kind of bland Green jelly, was tasteless.
Rating 1 - 10 (worst- best): service 4 / meal 6
Camera brand and type:fujifilm finepix s3000
I can’t wait till I fly to Canada, I’ll update you with my photos and tell you all if my meal was pipping hot or a little stone cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The infinite cat project
Last month whilst I was talking to the local stray cat ‘dirty paws' she said there was no place for cats to look at each other on the internet. Cats tend to be creatures of leisure, they spend a lot of time laying around, licking their paws, clawing their owners, pissing in plant pots, hissing at dogs, turning their nose up at cheap cat food and being sick all over the place with fur balls. Which is why this website has been revolutionary in amusing bored cats minds.
We have all been sitting at home, reading our mail, doing our online banking, when our feline attention seeking friends with bushy tails have got a bit jealous. So this site is genius at solving that problem. Show a picture of cat on your computer screen, and just watch your cats reaction! You know what? They might even think the cat on the screen is real and try and poke it! Hey, why not capture your amazement at looking at your cats amazement when it looks at other amazed looking cats on screen, buy taking a picture of it!
In all seriousness, its not just human beings that wonder why they ever survived without the internet. It’s also cats like my friend 'dirty paws' the stray.

I discovered this site the other day, it’s really weird! I cannot believe people actually write an online diary type thing in which the whole world can read! I remember the good old days of starting to write entries for the 1st and 2nd of January in a paper diary, getting bored and never touching it again. Then there were those that used to write their darkest secrets, of course they would hide it in a place that nobody would ever find it, like under the bed!
But this site is so strange. It’s like finding a bunch of diaries on the floor, leaving a few comments in red and then putting them back again. Its also really strange that people tend to spend so much time keeping their diaries up to date, I mean its not like anyone is reading it. Some people!
No, I think I’ll leave that one and stick to the airline meals and infinite cats.
At 9:46 pm,
Cold Hands said…
Cats tend to be creatures of leisure, they spend a lot of time laying around, licking their paws, clawing their owners, pissing in plant pots, hissing at dogs, turning their nose up at cheap cat food and being sick all over the place with fur balls.....
You. sir, have just described every guy I've ever dated...
At 9:55 pm,
coops said…
Yeah, I'm the same! I guess I have just been unlucky with some of the cats that I have dated.
It was mainly the conversation that ws the killer, the long paws in between sentences, the paw accuses when they came in at silly o'clock, arguing over the me'ows they used to cook, and generally their apawling behaviour.
Dog's any day.
At 10:13 pm,
Cold Hands said…
you are such a cheese-ball...
At 2:58 pm,
Heather said…
oh fuck, i am really digging the airline meals page.
who would of thought that anyone would find this interesting?
it is like pure sweet crack to me.
thanks coop!
At 3:32 pm,
coops said…
Glad you found it of use.
It's changed my life!
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