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May 08, 2005

A trip around this strange world

Where do I live tomorrow? Well, there’s not a lot in it at the moment, in fact, even the slightest thing can influence me at the moment………..

First stop, Texas. I’ve got some investigating to do before the new laws come into effect, all in the name of Blog research, naturally.

“AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Texas lawmakers sent a message to the state's high school cheerleaders on Wednesday: no more booty-shaking at the game.
The state's House of Representatives voted 85-55 to approve a bill that would forbid sexy cheers and give the Texas Education Agency authority to punish schools that allow "overtly sexually suggestive" routines at football games and other events.
The proposal must go to the Texas Senate for consideration.
"People are calling and telling me how disgusting it is to see sexually suggestive routines on the part of marching units or cheerleaders," said State Rep. Al Edwards, a Houston Democrat who sponsored the bill.
He complained of cheerleaders "shaking their behinds, breaking it down," but the proposal does not define what constitutes suggestive cheering.
Democratic state Rep. Senfronia Thompson, also of Houston, said the bill was a waste of valuable time.
"I think the Texas Education Agency has enough to do making sure our kids are better educated, and we are wasting our time with 'one two three four, we can't shake it any more?'" Thompson told legislators”

Then I’m getting on the plane to Sydney, I’ll probably wait in Texas for a while until the new law comes into effect, whilst also waiting for this Australian law to happen:-

“SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia's most populous state, New South Wales, moved on Wednesday to outlaw employers from snooping on workers' private e-mails as part of anti-spying legislation aimed at stopping bosses from covertly observing employees.
In an Australian first, the New South Wales state government introduced surveillance legislation to outlaw unauthorised spying on employees using technologies including e-mail, video cameras and tracking devices.
"We don't tolerate employers unlawfully placing cameras in change rooms and toilets," Attorney General Bob Debus said in a statement. "Likewise we should not tolerate unscrupulous employers snooping into the private e-mails of workers."
Australia has national privacy laws but they do not cover e-mail monitoring.
The legislation is expected to be passed by next week, the minister's spokesman said. Penalties would include a A$5,500 fine (2,252 pound) for individuals, or A$5,500 for each director of a corporation.
Trade unions welcomed the move as a victory against "big brother" monitoring by employers, which they said has been on the rise.
"The e-mail is the modern version of the telephone and I think that most employees would reasonably say that their phones shouldn't be tapped at work automatically, and I think that should apply to the Internet," said Bill Shorten, secretary of the Australian Workers Union (AWU)”

So, I will probably just sit in the office all day, slagging off the management and company in general whilst emailing my friends about the Texas cheerleaders, knowing full well they cant read my emails.

I will then cancel my trip to Peru.

LIMA, Peru (Reuters) - Peruvian officials saved some 4,000 endangered frogs from being whizzed into popular drinks after they were found hidden in an abattoir.
"We were checking the fridges when out jumped a frog. It had escaped, they were in big crates," a spokesman for Lima city hall said on Thursday.
Frog cocktails are popular in the Andes because of their supposed aphrodisiac qualities. Shops in central Lima selling the drinks have tanks where customers can choose their frogs.
He said the Telmatobius frogs -- which had apparently been brought from the southern lakes in the high Andes -- were found on Wednesday stored in the abattoir.
They were taken to a colonial fountain in central Lima to splash around before being returned to their native lakes by ecological police.
"There were about 5,000 of them but 1,000 died because of the conditions and in transit," the spokesman said.

On the way back to the UK, I’ll probably stop off in Germany, I’ve heard the people are most helpful over there:-

‘BERLIN (Reuters) - After accepting what appeared to be a kind offer from a German motorist to tow his broken car, a stranded Polish motorist was taken on a terrifying high-speed joyride at speeds of 160 kph (100 mph), police said on Tuesday.
Police said a 36-year-old German man who offered assistance proceeded to hurl down the motorway at high speeds after tying a cable to the stranded car.
The Polish motorist, who remained inside his vehicle during the tow, flashed his lights and honked his horn at the speeding German driver to stop. Police said the Pole was finally able to bring the German to a halt by swerving his car back and forth.
The German was taken to a psychiatric clinic, police said’

In fact I will probably be relived to get home after all that. Back to normality, back to routines, back to good old breakfast:-

LONDON (Reuters) - A boy tucking into his breakfast had a nasty surprise when he discovered a two-foot long snake inside his packet of cereal.
Jordan Willett, 5, thought he had found a toy when the serpent -- a harmless corn snake -- slithered out of the packet of "Golden Puffs" his parents had bought from discount store Netto in Telford.
"It was quite long and popped its head up. I've seen snakes on TV before but never in a box of cereal," he told the Daily Mail newspaper.
Netto said on Wednesday it was talking to its suppliers to review procedures and check on its stock.


  • At 1:59 pm, Blogger coops said…

    I did search for Canada in the 'oddly enough' archives but it seems they don't do anything odd, still, I'm sure I'll find that out for myself in July.

    You are right though, maybe if the 'Oddly Enough' editors on Reuters had read about Sheelenas orange juice piss, they may have included it.

  • At 1:59 pm, Blogger Cold Hands said…

    frogs? WTF?

    I'm all for you coming to Texas!!

  • At 8:33 pm, Blogger she said…

    everyone in canada has orange pee

  • At 9:21 pm, Blogger coops said…

    Are you taking the piss? Really? I'd better get working on it to fit in, I can just imagine being at the urinals and getting weird looks, though not for the first time I may add.


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